MedSyn: Text-guided Anatomy-aware Synthesis of High-Fidelity 3D CT Images

1Boston University, 2Stanford University, 3Carnegie Mellon University, 4University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 5University of Pittsburgh
*Equal Contribution


This paper introduces a novel methodology for producing high-quality 3D lung CT images guided by textual information. While diffusion-based generative models are increasingly used in medical imaging, current state-of-the-art approaches are limited to low-resolution outputs and underutilize radiology reports' abundant information. Nevertheless, expanding text-guided generation to high-resolution 3D images poses significant memory and anatomical detail-preserving challenges. Addressing the memory issue, we introduce a hierarchical scheme that uses a modified UNet architecture. We start by synthesizing low-resolution images conditioned on the text, serving as a foundation for subsequent generators for complete volumetric data. To ensure the anatomical plausibility of the generated samples, we provide further guidance by generating vascular, airway, and lobular segmentation masks in conjunction with the CT images. The model demonstrates the capability to use textual input and segmentation tasks to generate synthesized images. Algorithmic comparative assessments and blind evaluations conducted by 10 board-certified radiologists indicate that our approach exhibits superior performance compared to baseline methods, especially in accurately retaining crucial anatomical features such as fissure lines and airways. This study focuses on two main objectives: (1) the development of a method for creating images based on textual prompts and anatomical components, and (2) the capability to generate new images conditioning on anatomical elements.

Model Architecture

Model structure for the low-resolution base model.

Structure for our two-stage hierarchical model.

Comparison of Generated Samples

Generation Conditioned on Prompt

Generation Conditioned on Segmentation Mask


  author={Xu, Yanwu and Sun, Li and Peng, Wei and Jia, Shuyue and Morrison, Katelyn and Perer, Adam and Zandifar, Afrooz and Visweswaran, Shyam and Eslami, Motahhare and Batmanghelich, Kayhan},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging}, 
  title={MedSyn: Text-guided Anatomy-aware Synthesis of High-Fidelity 3D CT Images}, 